Why does my budgie hide?



A Hiding Budgie

Budgies hide for many reasons and its important the owner understand why their parrot is keeping out of sight. In most cases, budgies hide because they are scared. A lot of untamed budgies will look for an unoccupied and dark place to hide until they no longer feel threatened. This behavior is typically seen in a budgie that has been removed from an aviary. Once the budgie learns that its owner will not harm it, it will start to minimize this behavior and feel more confident. Positive reinforcement should always be used to coax the budgie out of this behavior. Over time and with much patience, the budgie will learn that its human companion will not harm it and will eventually begin seeking its owner’s attention.


Another common reason a budgie may hide is due to the fact that it is really young. Most budgies that have just weaned will look for places to hide and where they can feel more secure. This survival behavior ensures the birds are safe from possible predators because they have not yet developed all the necessary skills or experience needed. When young budgies behave in this manner, the owner should make the bird feel secure by holding it against their chest or cupping it into their hands. Once the bird feels secure and matures a bit, it will no longer try to hide because of the need to feel protected. Eventually the budgie will begin to wander off on its own and will begin to explore its environment. The owner should reward and praise the bird as the budgie starts to exhibit more confident behaviors.

Untamed and baby budgies are not the only reasons that cause these birds to sometimes hide. A female budgie, for example, will hide when she is getting ready to nest. Some female budgies will hide inside their cage by taking the paper (if available) from the bottom of their cage and will begin to create a nook to lay their eggs. Other females will use bird toys or food dishes to make their nesting sites. If this is the case, the female should be allowed to incubate the eggs and cycle through till the end of the breeding mode—even if the eggs are not expected to hatch. If the eggs are removed

too soon, she may begin the nesting cycle again and continue to lay new eggs. By putting the female in this nesting cycle too soon can cause the bird’s calcium levels to be depleted and this could be detrimental to her health.

For more information on budgies, click our parrot forum or read more about budgies on our main pet budgie section.

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