Why does my budgie grind his beak?



Budgie Beak Grinding

Many budgie owners become worried when they hear their pet budgies making clicking noises. Sometimes, the birds can be seen perched with ruffled feathers and eyes slightly ajar. This behavior, however, usually indicates that the bird is in a relaxed state and an owner should not be alarmed. It is these times that budgies may emit loud clicking noises and this sometimes causes bird owners to become alarmed. The clicking noises emitted by budgies can be extremely loud and often times shrill. It sometimes sounds as if the bird is tapping stones against one another. For such a small parrot, they can create very deafening sounds.


All budgies click their beaks and this is normal behavior. This sound is produced by rubbing the bottom and top beak together. This clicking sound indicates the budgie is perfectly content and is just adjusting its beak. This behavior can cause owners to believe the bird has something stuck inside its mouth or even that the bird may be in some type of pain when in fact it is just normal behavior for this bird. In most cases, the bird is perfectly fine and the owner should remain calm.

If however, the budgie appears to have a chipped or bleeding beak, the bird should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. A budgie’s beak is like a human nail and can easily be chipped or damaged. The good thing about the beak is that it will grow back if lightly chipped. If, however, the beak is permanently damaged, special care will be needed for the bird to survive and eat throughout its life. Some birds with damaged beaks will need to have their beaks filed periodically to ensure that the beak does not grow crooked.

A budgie’s beak is used by the bird much like we humans use our hands. These small parrots use their beaks for many actives that enable them to survive in the wild. For example, a budgie uses its beak to grab, manipulate, and feel objects. For this reason, cuttlebone should be placed into the bird’s cage as this helps to keep the beak in pristine condition.

If a budgie’s beak becomes flaky, the owner should apply a few drops of vitamin E oil unto the surface. This process should be repeated until the beak has returned to its shiny luster and looks well hydrated.

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